
Help Sponsor Our Mission

Did you know there are 391,000 children in foster in the United States. There 28,042 children in foster care in the state of Texas. We want to make sure we try to celebrate every child that we can reach.  

Our Celebrate Crew is looking for sponsorship from like minded organizations and individuals who wants to help us celebrate all children and create memories! Please contact us for sponsorship.

Become a Partner in Celebrating!!

Partner in Celebrating are a  premier group of corporate supporters, whose  generous contributions help provide and sustain Celebrate with a cake mission to Celebrate Everyone! Your proceeds provide funding for our programs (Cakes for Kids and Sensory Celebrations), events, and everything in between. As a Partner in Celebrating, your company will not only raise its visibility in front of the Houston and surrounding areas, but you will also receive a customized selection of company benefits, including tickets to our Gala and golf tournaments, free advertisement at our events and website, and much more.

Opportunities for partnership include, but are not limited to:

Annual Fund Support

Annual Gala Sponsorship

Luncheon Sponsorship

Corporate Support Information

Johndrea Slay

Executive Director


Make a Donation

Your support makes a difference in the Houston community and beyond, and we need your help to continue providing innovative programs and resources.

Donate Today